Howdy whalewatchers:
We departed a chilly San Diego and headed south to Baja California, Mexico.
Our first morning we spent a little time at Islas Todos Santos where we saw black oystercatchers, brown pelicans, double-crested cormorants, blue-wing teal and peregrine falcon. After we left the island we headed south in windy conditions. But with wind brings the soaring pelagic birds! We have seen Laysan and black-footed albatross, many different phases of Northern fulmars, Cassin’s auklets, and black-vented and pink-footed shearwaters.

Breaching gray whale and Searcher @ Grant Serpell
We have also seen a couple of northbound gray whales. Researchers have sent us a census of gray whales in Laguna San Ignacio for February 21: 157 singles, 21 mothers & calves for a total of 199 whales.
We are headed now for Isla San Benito!
Capt Aaron and Team Searcher