Hello whalewatchers,
We departed last night on trip #3 and everything went smoothly with our immigration check in Ensenada. We travelled out to Islas Todos Santos and came across a small group of long-beaked common dolphin. It was our first look at wildlife! The current status of elephant seals at the island is that all females have left their pups. It’s time for them to go back to the feeding grounds. There is only one adult male left on the beach. Two weeks ago, there were 12 females with pups and a single male.
There are several harbor seals with pups on the beach and in the water. There are lots of brown pelicans on the nest and we got a look at a peregrine falcon on the highest peak. We left the island and saw several northbound gray whales. We spent some time with a group of four so everyone could get a look at their first great whale of the trip. We found another group of long-beaked common dolphins, about 500 animals. We spent some time with this group in great conditions with calm seas and clean water.
The birdwatching was good as well this morning. We saw lots of Cassin’s auklets and black vented shearwaters. We continued south and anticipate arriving at Isla San Benito after sunrise.
Captain Art and Team Searcher
Afternoon update:
We had some unusual rain today but a very calm ocean. We had a rare sighting of five Cuvier’s beaked whales. They were at the surface multiple times and within a 100 yards of the boat. It was the highlight of the day!
Traveling overnight, we will arrive at Isla San Benito after breakfast tomorrow.

Searcher at Anchor – Isla San Benito by Lee Morgan
Capt Art and Team Searcher