Hello whalewatchers:

Pacific white-sided dolphins
Our Tour #4, co-sponsored by Naturetrek, departed San Diego and smoothly navigated Mexican Customs and Immigration in Ensenada. We travelled out to Islas Todos Santos and spent some time with a group of pacific white-sided dolphins.
We travelled south and found our first gray whales— a trio headed north. We also saw a small group of short-beaked common dolphin, and lots of seabirds: black-vented shearwaters, northern fulmars, both light and dark phase.
We’ve had some overcast skies and rain today, so we are hoping for a change this afternoon.
Team Searcher
We didn’t see much this afternoon with the exception of a rare sighting of five Cuvier’s beaked whales! They were at the surface multiple times and within a 100 yards of the boat. This is a very rare sighting, and so it was the highlight of the day.
We’re travelling overnight and will arrive at Islas San Benito after breakfast tomorrow.
Team Searcher