Hello whalewatchers: We are truly blessed with a calm ocean so far on this trip–no wind and almost no swell. Everyone had a great hike on west Isla San Benito today. There are still quite a few flowers blooming. The female elephant seals are off to feed, and there are a few males and many of this year’s pups on the beaches. Since we arrived early we were able to get everyone ashore early and back on the boat by 2:30 and that allowed us to get offshore to look for a whale or two. We got lucky and had a good look at our first blue whale and our first fin whale. Both whales were in the same area and so waiting for the blue whale to surface the fin whale came up!
So we have added twoo= more whale species to our list. We are headed to Laguna San Ignacio and will arrive after breakfast. Looking forward to another visit to one of the greatest places on earth.
Team Searcher