March 1-4, 2019
Greetings whalewatchers:
We arrived in La Paz bay this morning and the activity of the morning is swimming with whale sharks. The water was clear and the whale sharks were cooperative. Once they were located there was no issues with getting good pictures. Divers and observers got great looks and photos at close range.
After completing the shark portion of the morning we cruised over to Los Islotes for some birding and sea lion watching, as well as a round of snorkeling to finish out the day. It was a busy day and a good time was had by all. Capt. Buzz and Team Searcher
Greetings whalewatchers:
Our day at San Jose started with a hike and snorkeling. Everyone enjoyed good views on the hike followed by good fish interactions underwater. At lunchtime it was time to pull the anchor and go whalewatwching. The weather was calm and so we decided to swing outside Las Animas and explore along a steep submarine shelf. Dwarf sperm whales are known to inhabit the area but are only seen on the calmest of days. This was one of those days. With several pairs in the area there was good viewing. Including a cow calf pair (pictured). We were also surprised to see a small group of the rare pygmy beaked whales along the same drop off.
Capt. Buzz and Team Searcher

Dwarf sperm mother and calf pair
Greetings whalewatchers:
A beautiful sunrise greeted us and started our day at Isla Santa Catalina. Hiking on the island was the first order of business followed by snorkeling and “Krazy Koastal” skiff rides. Now it was time to pull the anchor and go whalewatching. We headed the Searcher farther up the Gulf towards Monserate and Carmen islands. There was a little more breeze this afternoon. However, when we got to the area between the islands we were greeted by the blows of fin whales and blue whales. We spent the remainder of our day in this area enjoying the large spouts and some good looks at these massive mammals.
Capt. Buzz and Team Searcher

Fin whale
Greetings whalewatchers:
The pristine anchorage of Isla San Francisco was the starting location of our last days’ activities. There were two hike destinations this morning. One on the hill behind the anchorage and the other across the salt flats across the island. Snorkeling and beach walking were next up, followed by lunch and whalewatching while heading down the coast towards Cabo. The ride downhill was quite pleasant and late in the afternoon we saw a cow calf pair of fin whales. This is the last report of a memorable trip aboard the Searcher!
Capt. Buzz and Team Searcher

Isla San Francisco anchorage