Hello whalewatchers,

Well, another remarkable day in Baja! We started with calm weather, sunny skies and a glorious sunrise at Punta Colorado, Isla San Jose. Then we had a Krazy Koastal Kruise for everyone, a walk on the island and a snorkel all before noon. There was good visabilty and lots of fish. We left in search of whales and found a Brydes whale with a calf. We followed it for a while and decided that we had great looks and would look for something else. As we were departing, the calf started breaching and that is something we haven’t ever seen before–it was incredible! After that we saw pilot whales, common dolphin, and to top it off, a big male sperm whale. We also deployed the hydrophone and heard the sonar of the sperm whale, a very distinctive clicking that varied in speed and intensity. We haven’t heard that in the past so we had two firsts today. In addition we added three species of whales to our list. We still have three days left in our trip and we have already seen 13 different species of whales .
More tomorrow,
Capt Art