Hello all,
We departed last night for the beginning of our 2020 Baja California Whalewatching season and are excited to be back abaord! We were grateful to have a calm ocean all night and all day today. Islas Todos Santos were green with new growth, and there were northern elephant seal females with pups along with a single male. We also spotted some harbor seals and a few sea lions.
We are enjoying lots of southbound gray whales, plenty of long-beaked common dophin, and a single humpback whale who was breaching. For the birds, we watched black-vented shearwaters, northern fulmar and two Layson albatrosses at the end of the day. A great first day in Baja! We’ll be arriving at Isla San Benitos just after daylight.
Capt Art and Team Searcher

Southbound gray whales spouting

Common dolphins

Dolphins on the bow!