Hello all,
Happy Easter to you all! What a glorious day with clear skies and calm seas.
Today we started our day at Nopolo village with a pre-breakfast walk. Everyone enjoyed the Xantus hummingbirds and several other species of birds. After we left Nopolo, we immediately started seeing whales–Brydes, fins and humpback–in a very short period. We also common and bottlenose dolphin. There were manta rays everywhere.
After lunch we visited Los Islotes. Everyone went on a skiff ride around the island to see blue-footed boobies and sea lions, to name a few species. After the skiff ride all the people who wanted to snorkel with the sea lions got in the water. The visibility was great and the water was warm. There were lots of “snorkel screams” from those enjoying the sea lions.
Upon leaving Los Islotes we came across jumping smooth tailed mobulas which was unexpected and everyone got a kick out of the rays.

We ended our day with common dolphin and a great sunset.
What a great trip with wonderful weather and great people!
This is our last trip of the 2010 natural history season and it was a great season with lots and lots of whales. I personally don’t want it to end and wished I was going back to Baja right away. We look forward to next year already, while we enjoy some great memories from this year.
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