April 2
Hello whalewatchers:
Our second day in Laguna San Ignacio brought us more gray whale interactions and some wonderful birding in the mangrove ecosystem present on the lagoon shorelines.
The morning whalewatch excursion was on the slow side for sightings, so we opted for a birding trip next. The tide was low and we found a good list of shorebirds including white ibis, herons and egrets, and seabirds such as terns, jaegers, cormorants, and gulls. Osprey, turkey vultures, pelicans, and frigatebirds soared overhead.
Later we encountered some active and curious gray whale calves, so our day in the lagoon was deemed a success!
A big thank you to Tabata O and Kate Sutherland for our photos used here.
Land crew from Team Searcher