Hello Whalewatchers!
We have had a successful morning outside Bahia Magdalena. We had many common dolphin sightings during and after breakfast. There have also been loads of shearwaters, both black-vented and pink-footed. Sabines gulls, phalropes, Craveri’s murrlets, and black-storm petrels have been keep the bird watchers busy.

Tour 5’s Naturalists, Rob and Patti
The highlight by far was a blue whale close to the surface, who hung around for a long time! It was a medium size blue whale that stayed in the same area, we assume feeding as there was lots of life on the sounder and sonar. The blue whale is what many of our whale watchers are anxious to see on the trip, so this sighting was certainly was a delight for many on the boat! The photo is a blue whale at the surface close to the bow.
Chef Charley has also been preparing the most delicious food! Check out the photos below.
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