Hello whalewatchers: We arrived at one of my favorite places on earth today: Laguna San Ignacio. The weather is great and its all about the gray whales! The census completed on February 9 found a total of 184 whales here: 48 mother/calf pairs and 46 single whales.

David Phelps, Searcher passenger. and Steven Swartz, gray whale expert (right) pose on Searcher in the sunshine.
Every year we provide support to Steven Swartz and his research group here in the lagoon. Steven published a book called “Lagoon Time“ and this year we are gifting our passengers with a signed copy. One of the guests on this trip, David Phelps of England, received a copy from his family in the USA. As a result of reading the book from cover-to-cover multiple times David decided to make the trip abroad and visit Laguna San Ignacio.
Steven and his team came by the boat today to pick up a few things, and David and a other guests got to meet Steven. This year is his 40th anniversary of working in the lagoon! He has new information about the photo ID program and has discovered are several matches from 1977 of the same whales in this lagoon today. Pretty incredible to know that whales we have been seeing and interacting with for the last 40 years still return every year to this wonderful place. We assume they are in their 50’s, like us.
Here is a link to Steven’s article about the age of living gray whales which isn’t even in press yet: https://www.sanignaciograywhales.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Age-of-GW-FINAL-for-AMJ.pdf
One item that we were able to help finance for Steven and his group was a new motor for the research panga! May it live long and assist these biologists who study and protect the gray whales.
Afternoon update:
Our activities are finished for today. Everyone enjoyed themselves with good whalewatching and plenty of whales to view. We had some fog midday that made viewing harder for awhile. But since, the weather has been great with light winds.
Check out our new shade awning for the back deck.
It’s a little larger this year and much sturdier.
We are planning to have “lights out” tonight so we can view the lunar eclipse, the “snow” full moon, and maybe the comet. The silence will be nice with the generator off and maybe hear the whales breathing.
Our plan is to go to the mangroves early in the morning to start the day.
Team Searcher