Hello all,
Today is our second day at Isla San Jose. The small mammal team went ashore after we picked up the overnight campers at first light. We moved north a couple miles to the largest arroyo on the island (pictured here). It is located on the western side in the middle of the island. The botany team went ashore for the day. A few hours later we picked up the mammal team. They had a very successful morning getting important data on kangaroo rats and deer mice on this island.
Botany team stays busy in the evenings by pressing the plants collected during the day.
After lunch the reptile team went out and had minimal results. We picked everyone up and moved to the south of the island and took the entire group into the mangroves. Everyone enjoyed the trip! We saw lots of birds and many enjoyed a snorkel trip too. We are traveling south to our last island tonight which will be Isla Cerralvo for 2 days.
We’ve seen a juvenile humpback whale and bottlenose dolphins around the islands. Not much else to report for cetaceans!
Captain Art and Team Searcher
We are all enjoying the Sea of Cortez sunsets!