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Tour #5 Laguna San Ignacio

2020-07-15T16:35:00-07:00March 27th, 2014|Trip Reports|

Hello whalewatchers: We enjoyed another great day in Laguna San Ignacio. We had good weather with light winds and partly cloudy skies. There are plenty of gray whales still here. The latest census had 56 cow with calves and 6 single whales, for a total of 118 whales. The calves are noticably bigger this trip. Everyone had a great day with plenty of close encounters to go around.
Both Chefs Charles and Geri Sue had an opportunity to go out to visit with the whales too. They both got their gray whale fix for the season.
Looking forward to tomorrow.
Team Searcher
Today’s picture is of a panga returning with a load of happy whalewatchers. Capt. Kenny and panguero “Choppie” are standing.

Tuur #4 Laguna San Ignacio, first morning

2014-03-12T15:38:28-07:00March 12th, 2014|Trip Reports|

Hello whalewatchers: We are having a great day in Laguna San Ignacio. Plenty of whales are here and we’ve had close encounters for all the passengers on their first trip. The cows and calves have taken over the observation zone. Latest census was 200 whales. More later, Team Searcher

Tour #2: Islas San Benito

2012-02-25T00:02:56-08:00February 25th, 2012|Trip Reports|

Hello whalewatchers,
We had a great day today at Islas San Benito–great weather light winds and sunny skies. There were lots of Northern elephant seals, sea lions. Guadalupe furs seals and a few harbor seals. And good looks at ospreys on their nests.
Everyone enjoyed the hike to the lighthouse with almost everyone participating. The flowers are in full bloom with even more flowers than two weeks ago. There are carpets of yellow flowers, lots of blue dicks, cliff spurge, island mallow and a few Dudleya blooming.
We are currently traveling southeast towards Laguna San Ignacio arriving after breakfast tomorrow. Looking forward to getting back there. Especially with the latest census numbers with over 300 hundred gray whales in the lagoon.
More tomorrow,
Capt Art

Tour #3 Laguna San Ignacio

2013-02-25T17:32:48-08:00February 25th, 2013|Trip Reports|

Hello whalewatchers: Today we encountered some wind in Laguna San Ignacio, so we had to wait awhile to get out in the pangas. We enjoyed some great whalewatching from the Searcher with a very curious cow and calf! There are hundreds of whales in Laguna San Ignacio with the latest census being a total of 354 whales. Needless to say there were plenty of whales to look at this morning. We got the pangas out for a trip after lunch and there were some close encounters and lots of happy whalewatchers. This place is working its magic.The wind has subsided dramatically this evening and we have a great sunset developing.
More tomorrow. Team Searcher

Tour #1 Laguna San Ignacio, day 1

2020-07-15T16:34:57-07:00January 27th, 2015|Trip Reports|

Hello whalewatchers: It is so great to be back in Laguna San Ignacio! I always lament leaving here on the last trip every year, and then each year I get excited with the anticipation of returning. The place is like we never left–there are plenty of whales and it still looks as pristine as when we left.
The conditions are great today with good weather, light winds and partly cloudy skies, so it isn’t too hot. The latest census reported 140 total whales here which seems like a lot for this time of year. Today’s photo is of one of the pangas departing for a trip after lunch. Note the weather.
Team Searcher

Tour #2 Laguna San Ignacio, day 1

2020-07-15T16:34:56-07:00February 10th, 2015|Trip Reports|

Hello whalewatchers: Our weather is great with calm conditions as we enter Laguna San Ignacio. There are plenty of whales in the entrance and even more as we travel to our anchorage in the observation zone. The latest census is 85 cows with calves and 120 single adults–lots of whales and quite a few more calves than usual.
The first panga went out and only had to travel 100 feet and they had a close encounter with a cow and calf. Wow!
The same for the next two pangas. I’m seeing lots of smiles as the pangas returned from the first trip.
Today’s photo of a tail fluke next to Searcher.
Team Searcher

Tour 3: Laguna San Ignacio, day 1

2020-07-15T16:34:56-07:00February 25th, 2015|Trip Reports|

Hello whalewatchers: Our first day in Laguna San Ignacio was great with good conditions, light winds out of the north for the majority of the day and clear skies. There are lots of whales here with the cow and calf numbers higher than 2 weeks ago. The latest census had 151 cows with calves! Numbers like this haven’t been seen since 1987, according to Steven Swartz.
Everyone had a great day with good whalewatching in the pangas. Today’s photo is a panga and a breaching calf next to it close to Searcher.
Team Searchertour 3 LSI

Searcher naturalist edits “Porpoises in Peril”

2020-07-15T16:35:27-07:00September 5th, 2010|News|

The latest issue of American Cetacean Society’s Whalewatcher was edited by Thomas Jefferson, who will be a Searcher naturalist on the Jan 23-Feb 3, 2011 tour.

This issue is titled “Porpoises in Peril: The Vaquita and its Relatives” and features the porpoise that inhabits the northern Sea of Cortez in Baja California. Because the vaquita is limited to a small range and population size (125-150 animals), and due to the serious decline in numbers, it is considered to be one of the most endangered cetaceans in the world. Most probably this is due to the entanglements in gillnets used by fishemen. Conservationists are hopeful that removing these nets from their habitat can help the species recover.

This issue contains articles and photos from researchers and an illustrations of the porpoise family. We will have a copy in the onboard Searcher library and issues may be available for sale soon on the ACS web site.

2023 Baja Whalewatching Tour #1 Laguna San Ignacio (February 14)

2023-02-15T06:30:02-08:00February 15th, 2023|Trip Reports|

Hello whalewatchers:

We arrived at the entrance to Laguna San Ignacio right at sunrise.  We were greeted at the sand bar by numerous gray whales.  We got across the bar and into the anchorage by around 8am and got the groups in the pangas right away.

The latest census stated that there were 57 singles and 21 mother/calf pairs here so there were plenty of whales to look at today. Before the wind came up in the afternoon the folks had multiple friendly encounters. We’re hoping for some more tomorrow.

Captain Mike and the boys

Tour #4: Laguna San Ignacio

2012-03-26T18:41:00-07:00March 26th, 2012|Trip Reports|

Hello whalewatchers,
We had another magical day in Laguna San Ignacio! There are still plenty of whales here. The latest census from yesterday totaled 83 cow calf pairs and 25 singles for a total of 191 total whales. Everyone had close encounters with cows and calves today. We were able to get four trips in today so everyone had ample time in the pangas.
Some great whalewatching from the Searcher as well with a cow and calf visiting us at lunchtime.
The weather was great with clear skies and light winds for most of the day.
Hoping for good weather tomorrow with more of the same activities.
Capt Art

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