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Sharing 2012 Photos and Videos

2020-07-15T16:35:19-07:00May 1st, 2012|Photos|

We are really enjoying passenger photos and videos from our 2012 season. Thank you! Sharing one here from Richard Crossen ( It shows Jose Angel and a baby gray whale next to our skiff. The whale calf has its mouth open so the white baleen feeding apparatus is showing. Jose Angel (son of a long-time friend and colleague in Laguna San Ignacio) came for a short visit and was right at home with his gray whale neighbors. The calf probably got its sensitive tongue and lips rubbed by Jose Angel. They seem to like that!

<p>Jose Angel and gray © Richard Crossen</p>

Searcher video in the UK Daily Mail!

2011-04-22T11:18:56-07:00April 21st, 2011|News, Videos|

We love the story about the amazing gray whales of Laguna San Igancio published today in UK’s Daily Mail today, but an “old trout?!”

And best of all, scroll down to the video at the bottom–that was taken by Searcher passenger Matt Dillon on the early March, 2011 tour! Capt Aaron and his passengers are featured in it. Well, really the whales are the stars…

Wild & Scenic Film Festival in San Diego!

2020-07-15T16:35:24-07:00March 15th, 2011|News|

Sunday, April 10th @ 6:00-8:30PM – Sunday Film Night Social at El Take it Easy Restaurant

Feature Film: Vaquita – Last Chance for the Desert Porpoise, by Chris Johnson

– Sponsored by Searcher Natural History Tours

El Take it Easy (EZ) is a social club with excellent food, and this year’s Restaurant Sponsor of the Wild & Scenic Environmental Film Festival.

Join us for a special night to learn about the endangered porpoise, Vaquita, and to contribute to its conservation.

$5 Recommended donation upon entry.  We hope to see you there!

Space is limited. To reserve a table please call: 619 291 1859

El Take It Easy is located at 3926 30th Street at University

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