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2022 Baja Whalewatching Tour #1 Bahia Agua Verde (Mar 3)

2022-03-04T14:52:45-08:00March 4th, 2022|Trip Reports|

Hello whalewatchers,

We startd with a walk and a snorkel session at Bahia Agua Verde today. The weather is tremendous with calm seas and sunny skies.

We left there in search of whales and it didnt take long for the crew to find our first blue whale of the day. It was a long-winded whale down for 15 minutes at a time and not at the surface for very long. The crew spotted another blue whale in the distance and this was a cow and calf. We had excellent looks at both animals. It is truly amazing to see this, a mother and calf blue whale pair. We decided to leave and let mom and baby do what they do.

We headed south and found a humpback, a fin and another blue whale in the same area. We had great looks at blue whale flukes again as well as the right lower jaw of the fin whale. That was a busy afternoon and you could add several Craveri’s murrelets to the list, as well as two Red-billed tropicbirds right after we left Agua Verde.

We ended the day with a great sunset over the peninsula and our traditional back deck buffet with BBQ ribs and all the fixin’s. We hope our UK guests enjoyed this US tradition!

Captain Art and Team Searcher

Stock photo showing the lower right jaw of the fin whale. It's white!

Still Time to Bid for Spot on 5-day Pelagic Birding Tour!

2021-02-19T10:21:13-08:00February 5th, 2021|News|

San Diego’s Bird Festival virtual silent auction is now open for bids! You could win a spot on this trip for a good deal AND benefit the San Diego Audubon Society. The rest of the festival will be held in a hybrid model (virtual and in-person) from February 17-21, 2021.

2021 Pelagic Trip Auction

Picture yourself aboard with us as we search for deep-water Southern California pelagic birds and offshore rarities with expert leaders in the comfort of a 95-foot vessel. Don’t wait! Get your bid in today!

Trip details: 2021 Pelagic Trip Tour details

Just a Reminder: NEW 3-day Pelagic Birding Tour 2021

2021-01-21T11:13:37-08:00January 22nd, 2021|News|

Photo by Alisa Schulman-Janiger⁠

Photo by Alisa Schulman-Janiger⁠

It’s a great time to get offshore to deep-water pelagic zones to search out exciting seabirds such as Cook’s Petrels, Scripps’ Murrelets, Black-footed and Laysan Albatross; Black, Leach’s and Ashy Storm-petrels; Brown and other Boobies; South Polar Skua; Pomarine, Parasitic, and Long-tailed Jaegers; and Arctic Terns. Plus we’ll have a long list of usual species found in our waters, often gathering around underwater banks, mounts, and canyons. This trip is limited to ABA-waters, including coverage of the southern-most areas of it.

2023 Pelagic Birding Tour (Sep 4-8)

2023-09-05T11:53:42-07:00September 5th, 2023|Uncategorized|

September 4

Dear birders:

We departed on our annual Labor Day 5-day trip to search the offshore and deep water areas of Southern California. Early reports from the 9-mile Bank and 30-mile Bank included these sightings: Black and Leach’s storm petrels, Northern fulmar, Pink-footed, Sooty and Black-vented shearwaters, Red and Red-necked phalaropes, Common, Elegant, Royal, and Caspian terns, Long-beaked and Short-beaked common dolphins, all in really nice weather.

The attached photos were taken on the 2022 tour by Alisa Schulman-Janiger, including the common dolphins.

Captain Mike and Team Searcher

Northern fulmar

Great Start to 2021 with Offshore Pelagic Sightings!

2021-01-04T12:08:07-08:00January 4th, 2021|News, Trip Reports|

We are excited to share these recent offshore sightings from local pelagic experts, Dave Povey and Matt Sadowski, who were out to cover the offshore areas on 2 Jan 2021.

Searcher Natural History Tours has scheduled our NEW 3-day pelagic birding tour over Memorial Day weekend!   We plan to spend time covering the distant waters needed to access these birds while we search, observe, and photograph birds and other marine life including whales and dolphins. Leaders will include Dave Povey and Dave Pereksta.

The following is a partial list and numbers from the trip on 2 Jan 2021. Dave reports:

“Most birds were beyond 5 nautical miles, and many more at 10 nautical miles plus. We covered a wide area from below Point Loma including the Nine Mile Bank, and covered south to north and all the way into La Jolla Canyon.”

    • Northern Fulmar (1)
    • Pink-footed Shearwater (1)
    • dark shearwater sp. (1)
    • Black-vented Shearwater (4000+)
    • Brown Booby (1)
    • Red Phalarope (4)
    • Parasitic Jaeger (1)
    • Pomarine Jaeger (3-5)
    • jaeger sp. (2)
    • Scripps’s Murrelet (2)
    • Cassin’s Auklet (1)
    • Rhinoceros Auklet (2-3)
    • Bonaparte’s Gull (1000+)
    • California Gull (700)
    • Royal Tern (5-6)

NEW 3-day Pelagic Birding Tour 2021

2020-12-11T14:30:48-08:00December 11th, 2020|News|

Photo by Alisa Schulman-Janiger⁠

Photo by Alisa Schulman-Janiger⁠

It’s a great time to get offshore to deep-water pelagic zones to search out exciting seabirds such as Cook’s Petrels, Scripps’ Murrelets, Black-footed and Laysan Albatross; Black, Leach’s and Ashy Storm-petrels; Brown and other Boobies; South Polar Skua; Pomarine, Parasitic, and Long-tailed Jaegers; and Arctic Terns. Plus we’ll have a long list of usual species found in our waters, often gathering around underwater banks, mounts, and canyons. This trip is limited to ABA-waters, including coverage of the southern-most areas of it.

Mystery Monday Challenge Answer

2020-07-15T16:34:07-07:00April 10th, 2020|News|

Mystery Monday revealed! The answer is:⁠⁠

Male Elephant Seal⁠















📷 Team Marc W.

This mystery monster uses its huge eyes to peer into the inky darkness looking for food down to more than 5000’. The northern elephant seal migrates from Isla San Benito in Baja to feeding areas off Oregon, Washington, and Canada. Males, like this youngster, ply the Pacific Ocean waters as far west as the dateline. They also make the this migration twice a year: once for mating and giving birth to their pups and once for molting their fur. They deserve our utmost respect. –Paul Jones⁠

Northern elephant seals are extraordinary travelers and divers. They make two migrations a year, traveling thousands of miles on each trip, between their breeding colony and their feeding areas far to the north and west in waters from Oregon to the Gulf of Alaska and as far across the Pacific as the longitude of Hawaii. While at sea they routinely dive for 23 minutes dive after dive, day after day with almost no breaks, can reach depths of over 6,000′ in search of food, and when pressed can hold their breath for up to 2 hours! While they can look slow and are often inactive when ashore, they are some of the most remarkable travelers and divers in the marine mammal world. West San Benito island. –Marc Webber ⁠


Spotlight Series: Smelly Seabirds?

2020-07-15T16:34:07-07:00April 1st, 2020|Spotlight Series|

Spotlight Series contains blog posts written by Searcher naturalists on curious and fascinating topics from our Searcher Natural History Tours to Baja California. Search  for “Spotlight Series” to read them all.

by Searcher naturalist, Paul Jones

Recent research in the field of seabird ecology has revealed something that would have been nearly unthinkable 30 years ago, namely that ocean-going birds such as shearwaters, petrels, and albatrosses are getting around by scent. I saw my first black-footed albatross in 1979 during an ornithology class field trip to the Farallon Islands, which are 25 miles off of San Francisco. Here’s that magnificent bird, which I happened to catch with my Nikon camera and 300-mm lens (state-of-the-art back in the day).

Black-footed albatross “dynamic soaring” in the breeze near Southeast Farallon Island, 1979.

If someone had told us then that researchers would be putting geo-loggers on birds and using computers to track their wanderings across the ocean in the early part of the next century, we would probably have laughed. But, sure enough, it’s all come to pass and it’s shedding a whole new light on seabirds’ dependence on olfaction.

In a wonderful book, The Seabird’s Cry: The Lives and Loves of the Planet’s Great Ocean Voyagers by Adam Nicholson, the award-winning author takes you through the lives of a dozen seabirds, with revelations about early and recent findings in seabird research.

Black Storm-Petrel @ Tom Blackman

As highlighted by Nicholson, studies show that birds are using their sense of smell at multiple scales and for different reasons. At the ocean basin level, it’s used to find food. Closer to home, they find burrows or nests and it can also help in mate or chick recognition. As stated in an abstract by Milo Abolaffio and his co-authors in a recent paper on shearwater movements:

After foraging in the open ocean pelagic birds can pinpoint their breeding colonies, located on remote islands in visually featureless seascapes. This remarkable ability to navigate over vast distances has been attributed to the birds being able to learn an olfactory map on the basis of wind-borne odors.”

There’s even anatomical evidence of the importance of olfaction in ocean-going seabirds in that some researchers have shown that the relative size of the olfactory bulb in the brain is especially large in Procellariformes, the order of birds incuding shearwaters, petrels, fulmars, storm-petrels and albatrosses. (1) Gabrielle Nevitt reports that northern fulmars have twice the number of mitral cells (a type of olfactory cell) as rats and six times as many as mice. (2)

Nevitt has “proposed that natural scent cues in the marine environment present guideposts to aid seabirds in foraging and navigation.” Importantly, Nevitt and other researchers have determined that a chemical, dimethyl sulfide (DMS), can be detected by a variety of marine organisms including procellariiforms. And where does this come from? It turns out that DMS is a byproduct of phytoplankton consumption by zooplankton – and when it’s released into the surface waters it volatilizes sufficiently for seabirds to detect it. Apparently, even harbor seals and whale sharks can detect trace concentrations of DMS. In short, its an Eat Heresign in the ocean environment. She proposes a conceptual model like this in her paper to better understand how an albatross might find an ”odor feature” indicating the potential presence of food.

“Its an Eat Here sign!”

Anna Gagliardo and her colleagues have done amazing work on Cory’s shearwaters (and its close relatives) in the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. In one group, they used “olfactory deprivation” which consisted of a chemical treatment that temporarily knocked out the birds’ sense of smell for a few weeks. In another group, they attached magnets to disrupt any ability to use the earth’s magnetic fields as spatial guidance. And a third group was the “control” group that had neither treatment. All birds were fitted with GPS data loggers to see where they’d go after being released at specified distances from their breeding islands in the Azores.

The birds with their sense of smell knocked out were essentially unable to find their way back to the island in a timely manner, whereas “all of the control shearwaters were able to fly back to the breeding colony” and all but one of the birds wearing the small magnets made it back just fine.

Other researchers are working on understanding how adult birds can find burrow or nests in wildly chaotic colonies consisting of thousands of pairs of birds. Procellariiforms are known to be smelly birds as a certain musk is infused into their feathers, body, eggs and nest material. It’s thought that these smells help adults and chicks find home burrows or nests.

Laysan albatross @ Tom Blackman

This research into seabird foraging and nesting strategies is complicated because there are surface nesting and burrowing species as well as those species that use “opportunistic” or “commuter” strategies to find food in a vast ocean. That said, researchers are beginning to unravel some of the mysteries to seabird movements.

Aboard Searcher on Baja Whalewatching or on Pelagic trips, you can see both Laysan and black-footed albatrosses as well as several species of shearwaters, petrels, and storm-petrels. Next time you see one of these birds, I hope you’ll think about their amazing ability to fly hundreds or thousands of miles in what we think of as a featureless ocean and yet manage to get to tiny islands that are their homes – and once on land – locate their exact home burrow or nest site.

  1. Corfield, J. R. et al. Diversity in olfactory bulb size in birds reflects allometry, ecology, and phylogeny. Front. Neuroanat. 9 (2015)
  2. Journal of Experimental Biology 2008 211: 1706-1713; doi: 10.1242/jeb.015412

2019 Pelagic Birding Tour departs on Labor Day Monday (9/2)!

2020-07-15T16:34:13-07:00August 27th, 2019|News|




There’s always time to appreciate dolphins too! From 2018 Pelagic Birding Tour

We’re looking forward to welcoming our group of birders and leaders this weekend to access the deep-water areas of the ABA birding zone, to search out the specialties of our region and maybe a rarity or two!

One leader joining us this year is Adam Searcy and we are happy to have him back aboard for 2019. Check out his bio below and stay tuned to this space for sightings reports from the field during the trip from Sept 2-6.








Adam Searcy is a biologist with interests in bird censusing techniques and methodologies, changes in status and distribution (with a keen interest in historical ecology), and the never-ending challenges presented by field identification. His interests and experience include work with native plants, fishes, and California’s herpetofauna.  He’s done field work in many of California’s myriad habitats, including offshore waters and most of the islands.

Adam is currently working as an independent consultant and at the WFVZ, a large avian collection (museum) in southern California.  He is also working on a comprehensive status and distribution of the birds of Ventura County, CA, and has dreams of writing a natural history of the county.

He is a member of the CBRC, an active editor of eBird records, and is very interested in citizen science initiatives, especially when they strengthen the social conservation ethic and generate public interest in the natural world.

Tour #2 (Feb 22-Mar 5, 2019) – offshore and Isla Todos Santos

2020-07-15T16:34:17-07:00February 25th, 2019|Trip Reports|

Greetings whalewatchers,

We’re getting our Tour #2 with Naturetrek started. We checked into Ensenada just after daylight and we’re on our way.

A short stop at Isla Todo Santos allowed us to observe elephant seals, harbor seals, and even a peregrine falcon.
We charted a course for Islas San Benito and headed down the coast in hopes of finding whales and other sea life.

After a short search we found an area with gray whales, common dolphin and a variety of sea birds. We are really enjoying the blue skies and calm seas on our way south. Enjoyable first day on the water!

Capt Buzz and Team Searcher

Evidence of the blue skies and calm seas!

Gray whale fluking.

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