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“Mermaids of San Ignacio”–Celebrating gray whales

2012-03-28T14:17:11-07:00March 28th, 2012|Videos|

This video by Steve Lamb was taken in Laguna San Ignacio with an underwater camera in 2011. If you’ve been there, you know how murky the water is from all the wonderful “life” found there! It makes this kind of photography a challenge, but we think Steve really captured something.


Tour #2 Departs (after a day of 73-degree sunshine)

2020-07-15T16:35:20-07:00February 22nd, 2012|News|

All our guests are aboard and enjoying a warm night leaving San Diego Bay enroute to Baja’s beauties. One passenger is using one of my fave bounce back email messages: “I’m having a whale of a time….in Baja California and won’t be back in the office until _____. In my absence, please direct enquires to _____. The trip blog is here:


Sign-up for “Baja Whales and Wildlife” E-newsletter

2010-11-04T10:39:35-07:00September 11th, 2010|News|

You’ll receive an occasional notice from us with news from the field on whalewatching, birding and wildlife of Baja California and offshore San Diego…right into your email box. We use a secure system and don’t share email lists with anyone else.

Sign up here:

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