FOURTEEN GRAYS: Thirteen southbound, one northbound! ACS/LA Gray Whale Census Update, 22 DEC (Pt. Vicente): Two GRAY WHALE sightings came in so close that we heard their blows. We tracked six of the ten sightings for over an hour each. Two single grays headed right to each other, joined, and then milled. We watched another pair of gray whales for two hours; they came in extremely close to us and swam in a circle. One of these whales was VERY broad (likely pregnant); she lifted her head high many times, did a classic spyhop, rolled, and swam on her back for a while – displaying her lower jaw, pectoral flipper, and half of her fluke. Her companion was also quite “girthy”, possibly pregnant. Gray whales in all sightings fluked. We also spotted COMMON DOLPHIN, BOTTLENOSE DOLPHIN, and RISSO’S DOLPHIN; one pod of common dolphin were very spread out, and kept changing their travel direction. -Alisa
Today: Southbound gray whales: 13
Northbound gray whales: 1
Total gray whales: 14
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