Hello birders,
We found Black-footed albatross (coming in for a landing and getting fed with tuna scraps), Sooty and Pink-footed shearwaters, and a blue whale close to the boat. It fluked after the first surfacing and tried on the second surfacing.
Capt Art and Team Searcher

Albatross eating tuna scraps
Hello birders,
We had a great day today! We had a grand slam on boobies for this trip with all five species recorded.! Today was the Nazca booby day with muliplte sightings. We had blackfooted albatross around and following the boat almost all day, and plenty of pink footed shaearwaters, and Black, Townsends, and Leach’s storm petrels. Plus we had really close look at Guadalupe murrelets and red-billed tropicbirds. At the end of the day, we had a good look at a Cooke’s petrel within 100 feet of the bow.
We saw blue and fin whales with a close look at a blue whale this morning and distant views of fin whales, and also Guadalupe fur seals and California sea lions. A super day!
Capt Art and Team Searcher