Hello birders,
We started today at Santa Barbara island viewing Brown and Blue-footed boobies. There is a pair of Blue-footed boobies and about 100 Brown boobies. Everyone got great looks at both.
After leaving the island we had a fly-by of a Red footed booby. it was a very quick look. Then we saw lots of shearwaters, terns and jaegers and then another Red footed booby flew close to the boat.
We’ve had multiple sightings of common dolphin over a large area.
Capt Art and Team Searcher

Red-footed booby does a fly-by
Hello birders,
We had a great day today with plenty of sightings, great looks at boobies, Craveri’s murrelets, red-billed tropicbird, Black-footed albatross and sun fish! We also had great weather all day with calm seas and light winds.
We ended the day with putting out a slick of fish oil and had several black storm petrels and pink-footed shearwaters. We are currently anchored at San Miguel island for the night and headed out to deep water and south all day tomorrow.
Capt Art and Team Searcher