2023 Baja Whalewatching Tour #2 Laguna San Ignacio (February 25)

Feb 25

Hello whalewatchers:

We arrived at the entrance to Laguna San Ignacio at about 8am and were greeted by numerous gray whales and common dolphin outside the entrance.  We arrived at our anchorage at approximately 9:30 and sent everyone on their first whalewatch excursion.  There are a lot more whales in the lagoon since last time we were here 10 days ago.  The folks had a lovely day despite a little afternoon breeze. We’re hoping for some of the same tomorrow.

Captain Mike and the boys

p.s. Chef Josh prepared a delicious chicken (or eggplant) dinner after this great day with the whales. Tonight’s waiter was Captain Kenny!

2023-02-26T07:07:14-08:00February 26th, 2023|Trip Reports|

2023 Baja Whalewatching Tour #2 Offshore Ensenada and Islas San Benito (February 23-24)

Feb 23

We were delayed a few hours in Ensenada this morning due to weather, but we got underway safely.  We saw a large pod of short-beaked common dolphin as we were leaving Bahia Todos Santos. Throughout the day we saw a few humpbacks and gray whales at a distance, along with a few black-footed albatross. We will be at San Benito some time around 11am.

Captain Mike and the boys

Feb 24

Hello whalewatchers:

We arrived just before 11am at San Benito and got everyone ashore by noon.  The folks were greeted by a large male elephant seal on the beach.  They did an hike over to the fur seal colony and we were off at about 3pm.  We were isntantly greated by a large pod of common dolphins which numbered somewhere in the neighborhood of 3000 dolphins.

While we were watching the dolphins, we started seeing whale spouts and turned around and got into an area of feeding fin whales. We stayed with a pair for about 45 min before continuing on.  We immediately spotted a large area of pilot whales which put on a good show. We stayed with them for about a hour.  A couple of fin whales joined in with the pilot whales, making for a great finale for the day.

We’re headed for Laguna San Ignacio now.

Captain Mike and the boys

2023-02-25T06:15:50-08:00February 25th, 2023|Trip Reports|

2023 Baja Whalewatching Tour #1 Bahia Magdalena (February 16)

Hello whalewatchers:

We spent our day outside Bahia Magdalena.  We started the morning with a large pod of common dolphin.  Rob, our naturalist, thinks there were over a thousand of them in the pod.

We had steady action on humpbacks as well all day, including a breacher out of the window during lunch time. It was a little breezy mid-morning until early afternoon, and around 2pm it glassed off.  We ended with brochure weather this evening and we shut down to watch the sunset and drift for dinner.

We’ll be around the cape looking for humpbacks first thing in the morning.

Captain Mike and the boys

2023-02-18T13:45:02-08:00February 18th, 2023|Trip Reports|

2023 Baja Whalewatching Tour #1 Laguna San Ignacio (February 15)

Hello whalewatchers:

Our last day in the lagoon did not disappoint.  We woke up to three adult grey whales swimming around the boat.  They hung out during breakfast and for a while after.

Our group split up and the birders went for a skiff ride to the mangroves, and the whalers went whalewatching. There were a few curious mother/calf pairs throughout the day and a few lucky folks had a special encounter with an adult. We finished another great day in Laguna San Ignacio with a beach walk.

We’re southbound again, headed for Bahia Magdalena.

Captain Mike and the boys

2023-02-17T06:35:39-08:00February 17th, 2023|Trip Reports|

2023 Baja Whalewatching Tour #1 Laguna San Ignacio (February 14)

Hello whalewatchers:

We arrived at the entrance to Laguna San Ignacio right at sunrise.  We were greeted at the sand bar by numerous gray whales.  We got across the bar and into the anchorage by around 8am and got the groups in the pangas right away.

The latest census stated that there were 57 singles and 21 mother/calf pairs here so there were plenty of whales to look at today. Before the wind came up in the afternoon the folks had multiple friendly encounters. We’re hoping for some more tomorrow.

Captain Mike and the boys

2023-02-15T06:30:02-08:00February 15th, 2023|Trip Reports|

2023 Baja Whalewatching Tour #1 Isla San Benito (February 13)

February 13

Hello whalewatchers:

We had a nice day at Isla San Benito today. The weather has been fair at best. It has been windy and rainy, but it looks like it’s starting to back off.

The island’s Guadalupe fur seal colony seems to be growing and healthy. Rob, our naturalist, says he has never seen so many on West island.  So this is a nice suprise along with the Elephant seals on the beach.

We took off around 3pm and after about a hour of looking, we found an area of feeding fin whales and humpbacks.  We spent about a hour with them and we were able to get some very good looks.  We will be at Laguna San ignacio first thing in the morning.

Captain Mike and the boys
2023-02-14T19:50:22-08:00February 14th, 2023|Trip Reports|

2023 Baja Whalewatching Tour #1 Offshore Ensenada (February 12)

February 12

Hello whalewatchers:

Good afternoon,

We departed Ensenada just before breakfast this morning after checking in with Mexican customs.  It did not take long to start seeing southbound gray whales. We got on a group of five that were very easy to watch. After a few good looks we continued on.
Just before lunch we stopped to look at a trio of curious humpback whales. We ended up shutting the boat down and drifting for over a hour. They swam around and under the boat the whole time. They never got more than 100ft from the boat.
We’ve enjoyed pretty amazing looks so far today. We’re headed for Isla San Benito now. We’ll see what the rest of the day brings.
Captain Mike and the boys
2023-02-13T05:46:35-08:00February 13th, 2023|Trip Reports|

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