Tour #6 Laguna San Ignacio

Dear whalewatchers:

We arrived in Laguna San Ignacio this morning and were greeted by many gray whale cow-calf pairs. There were several pairs to watch all day long, and many of them wanted to interact with passengers in the pangas. We are so grateful to be here for one more trip, and share this magical place with people from all over the world. Close encounters, seeing eye-to-eye, capturing breaches and spyhops with a camera, watching how cows care for their calves, and enjoying the view from sea level in the pangas and aboard Searcher at anchor filled our day today. More to come tomorrow. Today’s photo is Capt Art with a gray whale.

Team Searcher

2014-04-11T17:23:16-07:00April 11th, 2014|Trip Reports|

Tour #6 Islas San Benito

Dear whalewatchers:

After a calm night of travel, we arrived at Islas San Benito this morning. Before getting to the island, we had good views of black-footed albatrosses and a cow-calf pair of humpbacks. Our group had a wonderful walk around the island to spend time with elephant seals (returning, molting sub-adults and weaners) and Guadalupe fur seals. The number of fur seals has certainly increased over the season. The plants were very interesting, and the ground-nesting bird burrows were abundant and active. We also saw osprey, one with two large chicks, and side-blotched lizards. We left the island under calm seas and spotted our first herd of long-beaked common dolphin around the boat in clear blue water.

We are looking forward to our visit to Laguna San Ignacio tomorrow,
Team Searcher

2014-04-10T18:22:27-07:00April 10th, 2014|Trip Reports|

Tour #6 Islas Todos Santos

Hello whalewatchers:

We started our final trip of the 2014 season and we had a great first day. We had a short visit to Isla Todos Santos and saw three different pinnipeds, oystercatchers, peregrine falcons, pelagic commorants, and brown pelicans on the nest with chicks. Our first whales were seen just south of the island with a huge herd of short-beaked common dolphin.There were 2000-3000 animals spread out over a large area. We travelled further south and saw five gray whales northbound. Further south again we saw a total of 25 fin whales with at least 15 whales in a very small area of a couple of miles. Today’s photo is of one of the fins on the surface.

Team Searcher

2014-04-09T21:32:03-07:00April 9th, 2014|Trip Reports|

Tour #5 Los Frailes and humpbacks!

Hello whalewatchers: We started at Los Frailes for a walk and a snprkel session this morning. Several people stayed ashore to birdwatch and a few people went snorkelling for the last time. We went offshore to find lots of humpbacks in groups this afternoon. Plenty of acrobatics today with multiple breaches, flipper flapping and tail lobbing. It was a great way to end the trip!
Today’s picture is of a group of 10 whales together in the Gorda banks area.
Team Searcher

2020-07-15T16:34:59-07:00April 4th, 2014|Trip Reports|

Tour #5 Isla San Jose, Los Islotes

Hello whalewatchers: We had another full day of activity with awesome weather still. We started with a skiff ride in the mangroves at Isla San Jose. Next there was a skiff ride and a snorkel session at Los Islotes. Everyone really enjoyed the sea lions. We headed east in search of a whale. Capt Kenny did it again by finding a pair of blue whales close to the same spot as last trip. We followed the pair for and hour during sunset and then another blue whale joined the pair. We had limited lighting but we had all three blue whales off the bow at once. An awesome way to finish the activities for the day!
The icing on the cake was margaritas and a buffet on the back deck. What a day!
Today’s picture is of one of the blue whales on the surface.
More tomorrow, Team Searcher

2020-07-15T16:34:59-07:00April 2nd, 2014|Trip Reports|

Tour #5 Isla Santa Catalina

Hello whalewatchers; We’ve had another spectacular day today. It actually started last night after dinner with shutting down the generator for some quite time and some awesome star gazing! It was a very clear night.
Today we had great walk on Isla Santa Catalina with rattleless rattle nakes, lizards, and good birding, then we had a snorkel session and a Krazy Koastal Kruise which was enjoyed by everyone. We left at lunchtime to see if we could find a whale. We came across a good group of 100 bottlenose dolphin, another big group of common dolphins, and a humpback whale kept us busy.
Today’s picture is of Chris Williams on the bow during one of our visits with dolphin. (“Hello Mary!”)
More tomorrow,
Team Searcher

2020-07-15T16:34:59-07:00April 1st, 2014|Trip Reports|

Tour #5 Isla San Jose

Hello whalewatchers: Once again we have great conditions with calm seas and no wind to start our day. Just before arriving at Punta Colorado for sunrise we came a cross an area about one mile square of jumping smnooth-tailed mobulas. We had to stop and enjoy the sight! It was worth it to see that many mobula jumping. We dropped the anchor and finished breakfast before going ashore. Everyone went ashore for two hours and had a good walk. After the walk there was a great snorkel session in clear 72-degree water. Everyone enjoyed it.

We left the island and didn’t have to go too far to find our first whale. It was a fin whale and we had several good looks. No mistaking a fin whale in these conditions. It is glassy calm and clean water, so seeing the white lower right jaw that is white was unmistakable. Today’s picture is of the fin whale arching its back for a dive.
More later, Team Searcher

2020-07-15T16:34:59-07:00March 31st, 2014|Trip Reports|

Tour #5 Offshore Cabo San Lucas

Hello whalewatchers: It’s another beautiful day in Baja! Sunny skies, warm temperatures and calm seas was the order of the day. We had some great looks at humpback whales, with the highlight being a group of 10 whales. Triple flukes for everyone. 
There were plenty of other whales in the Gorda Banks area. We had a treat finding a blue whale also, we don’t see them very often in this area. We had a great look at a green sea turtle as well. Travelling north in good weather, ahhhhhh!
Team Searcher

2020-07-15T16:34:59-07:00March 31st, 2014|Trip Reports|

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