Blue whale day!

I received a phone call today with the news of loads of blue whales! They left anchor near Isla Carmen this morning and found lots of blue whales. All is well still and I am sure to get another quick call on Tuesday evening.

2015-02-16T19:41:02-08:00February 16th, 2015|Trip Reports|

Tour #2 Isla San Jose

Hello whalewatchers: We had a wonderful sunrise at Punta Colorado to start the day, then a nice walk and a snorkel session. There are lots of flowers in the arroyo. Then we headed north in the San Jose channel in Sea of Cortez. We came across a large herd of long-beaked common dolphin and a big group of pilot whales. There were also lots of black storm petrels. The highlight was as we arrived at Isla Santa Catalina we had bottlenose dolphin in the bioluminecence riding the bow. It is very hard to describe, but it is very dark and a torpedo with a trail behind approaching the boat from 200 yards away. It truly is one of the best things we see on these trips. Click here:
Team Searcher

2020-07-15T16:34:56-07:00February 14th, 2015|Trip Reports, Videos|

February 13

Hello whalewatchers: We are enjoying one of the best days watching humpback whales in a few years! You can look in any direction today and see a whale on the surface. And at one point you could see a whale breaching in any direction. We’ve witnessed all the classic behaviors almost all day including tail-lobbing, flipper-flapping, adults breaching and calves breaching. It was remarkable! Here’s a sample:

2015-02-24T09:12:16-08:00February 13th, 2015|Trip Reports|

February 12

Hello whalewatchers: We woke up to great conditions this morning! Calm seas are always welcome here. We have had lots to look at thus far today–humpback whales, common dolphins and lots of sea bird life, inlcuding black-vented shearwaters, Bonapartes and California gulls. One of the special things to see when it is this calm is sea turtles. We have seen at least 100 so far.
Today’s picture is of a humpback whale dorsal hump up-close next to the Searcher.tour 2 humpback
Team Searcher

2020-07-15T16:34:56-07:00February 12th, 2015|Trip Reports|

Tour #2 Laguna San Ignacio, day 2

Hello whalewatchers: We have had a wonderful visit in Laguna San Ignacio with great weather, lots and lots of whales, and plenty of close encounters. There are certainly a lot of mothers and calves here, and the census shows more than year’s past. Today’s picture is of a single whale close to Searcher.
Team Searcher

2020-07-15T16:34:56-07:00February 11th, 2015|Trip Reports|

Tour #2 Laguna San Ignacio, day 1

Hello whalewatchers: Our weather is great with calm conditions as we enter Laguna San Ignacio. There are plenty of whales in the entrance and even more as we travel to our anchorage in the observation zone. The latest census is 85 cows with calves and 120 single adults–lots of whales and quite a few more calves than usual.
The first panga went out and only had to travel 100 feet and they had a close encounter with a cow and calf. Wow!
The same for the next two pangas. I’m seeing lots of smiles as the pangas returned from the first trip.
Today’s photo of a tail fluke next to Searcher.
Team Searcher

2020-07-15T16:34:56-07:00February 10th, 2015|Trip Reports|

Tour #2 Islas San Benito

Hello whalewatchers: We enjoyed a great day at Islas San Benito. There are plenty of northern elephant seals, with all the behaviors you would expect at this time of year–mating, males  fighting over their harems, and females nursing pups. Guadalupe fur seals were in their usual spot this trip, and ospreys as well. To go along with all the wildlife, the island is in bloom with lots of island mallow, ice plant, Agave, Encelia and the Mammilaria cactus too. We are headed south to Laguna San Ignacio, arriving after breakfast.
Today’s photo is San Benito village from Searcher.
Team Searcher

2020-07-15T16:34:57-07:00February 9th, 2015|Trip Reports|

Tour #2 Islas Todos Santos

Hello whalewatchers: We had a very productive morning with good sightings of gray whales both north- and south-bound. We also found multiple humpbacks and some were breaching close to the boat. Then we found some common dolphin and a few Pacific white sided dolphin as we exited Ensenada harbor.
Islas Todos Santos is very green and there are still some northern elephant seals on the beach. The pups are bigger and the count was 14 animals. There were also a few harbor seals and sea lions. The brown pelican colony is thriving with hundreds of birds on the nest and in breeding plumage.
Team Searcher

2015-02-09T07:39:49-08:00February 9th, 2015|Trip Reports|

Tour #2

A boat-load of eco-tourists left last night on our second 2015 tour, southbound like the migrating gray whales!

2015-02-08T09:25:22-08:00February 8th, 2015|News|

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