Tour #3 Laguna San Ignacio, day 2
Hello whalewatchers: We had a visitor before daylight this morning–a gray whale cow with her calf hung out at Searcher for over an hour and most everyone got to see them. It was like the Searcher was a big panga. It is always nice when this occurs, the view from the deck is great. You can see the entire whale which can be difficult from the pangas.
It turns out that the first panga trip had a close encounter with these whales as the calf had some of the Searcher‘s bottom paint on it’s nose. the pangas had a great session.
Everyone had a great morning and they are right back out there after lunch in great conditions–just light winds from the southwest and clear skies.
Last night we had lights out with the generator off for 30 minutes. It was a little windy but the skies were clear and the star gazing was great.
Team Searcher