2023 Pelagic Birding Tour (Sep 4-8) day 2

September 5

Dear birders:

We’re drifting at the boobie colony at Santa Barbara island this morning in beautiful weather. We’ve sighted four species of boobies: Blue footed, Nazca, Brown and Red-footed Boobies.  And we also re-sighted a brown/blue hybrid.
We left there to head west towards San Miguel Island. Throughout the day, we saw plenty of murrelets, a few Cassin’s auklets, albatross, and more terns and petrels. Also the fan favorite, Red-billed tropicbirds!

The attached photos were taken on the 2022 tour by Alisa Schulman-Janiger, including the common dolphins.

Captain Mike and Team Searcher

Nazca booby

2023-09-06T06:53:13-07:00September 6th, 2023|Uncategorized|

2023 Pelagic Birding Tour (Sep 4-8)

September 4

Dear birders:

We departed on our annual Labor Day 5-day trip to search the offshore and deep water areas of Southern California. Early reports from the 9-mile Bank and 30-mile Bank included these sightings: Black and Leach’s storm petrels, Northern fulmar, Pink-footed, Sooty and Black-vented shearwaters, Red and Red-necked phalaropes, Common, Elegant, Royal, and Caspian terns, Long-beaked and Short-beaked common dolphins, all in really nice weather.

The attached photos were taken on the 2022 tour by Alisa Schulman-Janiger, including the common dolphins.

Captain Mike and Team Searcher

Northern fulmar

2023-09-05T11:53:42-07:00September 5th, 2023|Uncategorized|

2023 Baja Whalewatching Tour #4 Sea of Cortez (April 3)

April 3

Hello whalewatchers:

We started our day early with a snorkel session and skiff rides with sea lions at Los Islotes which was lots of fun for all.  We went back to the area where we saw fin whales yesterday and found a pair AND a mother/calf pair. We went to Bahia San Gabriel and looked at a large frigatebird colony with lots of activity.

Traveling south we saw a cow and calf humpback whale briefly. And then late in the afternoon we came across a group of bottlenose dolphins. We stayed with them and had a good show. We travelled to Isla Cerralvo to anchor for dinner.

Another successful trip and season! Thank you to all who joined us, followed our reports, and to our fantastic Team Searcher crew!

Captain Art and Team Searcher
2023-04-04T08:47:23-07:00April 4th, 2023|Trip Reports|

2023 Baja Whalewatching Tour #4 Sea of Cortez (April 2)

April 2

Hello whalewatchers:

We started our day with a wonderful sunset at Punta Colorado on Isla San Jose, then passengers went for a walk on the island. We elected to go offshore looking for whales. Our next stop will be Los Islotes to snorkel with the sea lions there.
Before arriving, Capt Mike spotted a tall spout and it was a fin whale with a calf. It turns out there was another mother with calf and two singles. We spent the rest of the afternoon with them and had great looks.
After anchoring, we had our back deck dinner buffet and watched some smooth-tailed mobulas (rays) jumping. It was a good end to our wildlife day.
Everyone really enjoyed the buffet, Josh and Jono were the stars of the evening.
Captain Art and Team Searcher
2023-04-03T08:36:15-07:00April 3rd, 2023|Trip Reports|

2023 Baja Whalewatching Tour #4 Sea of Cortez (April 1)

April 1

Hello whalewatchers:

We anchored here at Puerto Gato and went ashore for a walk and then a snorkel session. There is a nice beach entry here. Passengers saw lots of birds on the walk! We will try to head out after lunch and see if we can get a break from the wind and find a whale.

Chef Josh served some amazing meals today: eggs Benedict for breakfast, boat-made meatballs/spinach ravioli and sauce for lunch, raw and baked oysters from Laguna San Ignacio for happy hour, and duck confit cassoulet for dinner–WOW!

Captain Art and Team Searcher
2023-04-02T07:54:48-07:00April 2nd, 2023|Trip Reports|

2023 Baja Whalewatching Tour #4 Offshore Cabo San Lucas (March 30)

March 30

Hello whalewatchers:

We had a great day watching humpback whales today. We observed multiple groups of 4-5 whales together for some great looks, even up close at times, including a mother, a calf and escort trio that were breaching multiple times. We had some good looks at the calf. Everyone was very happy.
It’s always a good day when Chef Josh makes his cheeseburger lunch with wedge potatoes and feta cheese.
We made a stop at Puata Arena to check the snorkel gear and get a swim in, and enjoy a beach walk. It was another great day.
Captain Art and Team Searcher
2023-03-31T07:26:31-07:00March 31st, 2023|Trip Reports|

2023 Baja Whalewatching Tour #4 Offshore Bahia Magdalena (March 29)

March 29

Hello whalewatchers:

We spent the day offshore Bahia Magdalena looking for whales, dolphins and birds. We saw two herds of common dolphin. One was a mega herd of 5000-6000 dolphins and the other was about 300-500. We saw about 15 humpbacks, mostly singles, though we got a good look at a pair.
Late in the afternoon we saw a single blue whale that was feeding and staying in the same area. It was only down on a dive for 6 minutes and then it would be at the surface again for several breaths. We spent an hour and a half with this whale and had great looks. Everyone was very happy!
We saw several pink footed shearwaters, a few sooty shearwaters, northern fulmars, and frigatebirds too.
It was a great day with a tremendous sunset that interrupted dinner, There was a mandatory visit to the back deck, ordered by the Captain (me) to view it.
Captain Art and Team Searcher
2023-03-30T09:02:30-07:00March 30th, 2023|Trip Reports|

2023 Baja Whalewatching Tour #4 Laguna San Ignacio (March 28)

March 28

Hello whalewatchers:

Another great day in Laguna San Ignacio! An early whale watch trip with close encounters for everyone, and a trip to the mangroves before lunch that everyone enjoyed. Shrimp Alfredo lunch was tremendous. And I received a special visit from some old friends here, including two of the original people that started this wonderful relationship 30 years ago. It was great to see them.

Passengers had another whalewatching trip and then a final trip to the beach.
What a great visit to this magical place.
Captain Art and Team Searcher
2023-03-28T20:03:11-07:00March 28th, 2023|Trip Reports|

2023 Baja Whalewatching Tour #4 Laguna San Ignacio (March 27)

March 27

Hello whalewatchers:

Greeted by curious and friendly gray whale mothers and calves…nothing more could make this visit special!
Passengers enjoyed three whalewatching excursions and even a beach walk late afternoon. Star gazing and listening to the whales was the perfect finale. We will enjoy one more day here.
Captain Art and Team Searcher
2023-03-28T10:40:54-07:00March 28th, 2023|Trip Reports|

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