Tour #2 (Feb 7-18, 2018) – Depart San Diego

A new and wonderful group of whalewatchers departed San Diego for a southbound migration to Baja California!

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2020-07-15T16:34:27-07:00February 8th, 2018|Photos, Trip Reports|

Spotlight Series: Cardón cactus

Spotlight Series contains blog posts written by Searcher naturalists on curious and fascinating topics from our Searcher Natural History Tours to Baja California. Search  for “Spotlight Series” to read them all.

by Searcher naturalist, Paul Jones

Standing sentinel over the mangrove swamps and saltmarsh complex on the NW shore of Laguna San Ignacio is a lone cardón cactus (Pachycereus pringlei). How this individual got there, whether by bird dropping or on the wind, and how it managed to find a way to thrive in that harsh location will remain a mystery. Should the time and tides work in your favor, you will see it if you make a short excursion into the mangroves while the lagoon. Look for it there and remember it In stark contrast in all its loneliness to the normal way in which these plants grow, mainly in large cactus forests locally known as cardonales.

An arm starting from the trunk of a large adult. Photo by Paul Jones.

Many of you will be familiar with cardón’s northern cousin of the Sonoran desert, the saguaro cactus. While cardón is nearly endemic to Baja, it can be found on the mainland. However, unlike its cousin, cardón is not frost tolerant and is, therefore, saguaro’s ecological counterpart in warmer climes.

On the Searcher tour, the most majestic and impressive cardón forest can be found on the arroyo walk on Isla Santa Catalina. When we stop there, you will want to walk quietly up that canyon as you look at hundreds of individuals towering as high as 50 or 60 feet in total height. Atop the tips of their arms, we will look for birds such as the northern cardinal, white-winged dove, phainopepla, verdin, black-throated sparrow, gila woodpecker, and raven. Not only can hawks nest on the cardón arms, but woodpeckers can drill holes to make nest cavities. The plant responds by creating a callous, which when hardened, makes for a perfect “nest box” for the woodpeckers and owls, such as the elf owl or the rare Cape pygmy-owl. When the plant dies, these callosities can be found on the ground amidst the decomposing pulp and ribs and are known as “desert boots.”

Take a good close look at these wonderful giants on our trip as they are the desert counterparts to the giant sequoias or redwoods of the temperate forest.

An example of a “nursery plant” relationship. This larger individual might be older than 50 years while the smaller ones are “millenials.” Photo by Paul Jones.

Standing at the base of one of these giants, imagine the shallow network of roots which, with the help of a single short tap root, can support as much of 25 tons of weight. These are really slow-growing and long-lived plants. To get started in the harsh desert environment, many species need a “nursery plant” that the seedling grows up next to for protection from herbivores and the sun, and to help with water storage. A seedling might grow only an inch or so per year, meaning a plant that’s a few feet tall could be 40 years of age, which is roughly the age when they start their first arm. Some specimens are thought to be over 300 years old!

Several generations of cardón in a wash on Isla Santa Catalina. Photo by Paul Jones.

You will notice that the arms are fluted, allowing its thick waxy skin to flex like an accordion to take up the rains that fall with the onset of summer storms or chubascos. This allows them to store as much as a ton of water for the dry season. Associated with each ridge is a rib on the interior of the plant and in the middle is the pulp. The epidermis is photosynthetic as this plant has no leaves, just spines and flowers that emerge from the surface of the plant.

The white flowers have a rosy hint, and are in bloom from late winter into June. They open only at night to allow for bats, their primary pollinator, to feed at night. However ‘early birds’ and bees can have at it until the flowers closed up by midday. Once mature, the flowers turn into fruits with a spiny outer layer. These fruits were important to indigenous peoples who used the ribs with small hooks attached at the tip to reach up to the top of the cactus and pull them down. They either ate the pulp or dried it and later poured water through to produce a beverage as it’s purported to have medicinal or palliative effects. In addition cardón can provide a cactus band aid as locals put thin slices of the plant’s epidermis on skin wounds. Cardón ribs were used for a variety of purposes (in addition to the fruit gathering) – fuel for fires, fencing, roofs rafters, wall studs, and even fish spears.

2020-07-15T16:34:27-07:00February 5th, 2018|Spotlight Series|

Tour #1 (Jan 23-Feb 3, 2018) – Sea of Cortez orcas!

Orcas are an uncommon sighting for our tours in the Sea of Cortez and this group got to see them TWICE! A group of 6 animals, including a mother/calf pair, visited the boat on 31 Jan and again on 2 Feb. It looks like our passengers are taking home some wonderful photos!

2020-07-15T16:34:27-07:00February 3rd, 2018|Trip Reports|

Tour #1 (Jan 23-Feb 3, 2018) – Isla Santa Catalina and Sea of Cortez

Howdy whalewatchers:

Northern cardinal in Baja

We had a great morning ashore at Santa Catalina Island with a nice walk up the arroyo for viewing giant cardon cactus, Northern cardinals, Gila woodpeckers, black-throated sparrows, and white winged doves. (Click here for a review of the Birds of Baja.)

Afterwards there was a snorkel and a skiff ride along the coast of the island where there were some bottlenose dolphins interacting with the skiffs.

Distant view of orcas in Sea of Cortez

The weather is calm and we’re headed toward a small pod of killer whales to start our afternoon whalewatching.

This afternoon we had an incredible look at killer whales! They came over to the boat and swam around under and all around the boat, swimming upside down even.

We are now anchored up for the night at Punta Colorado at Isla San Jose where we will be going ashore and going for a another nice snorkel.
Capt Aaron and Team Searcher

2020-07-15T16:34:27-07:00February 2nd, 2018|Trip Reports|

Tour #1 (Jan 23-Feb 3, 2018) – Isla San Francisco and Sea of Cortez

Howdy whalewatchers,

This morning we went ashore Isla San Francisco for an exploration walk and returned to go in the water for a snorkel. The swimmers had really good visibility and saw lots of garden eels, sergeant majors, giant damselfish and cornetfish, just to name a few.

We’re having lunch while on the anchor and moving up further into Sea of Cortez this afternoon.

Our on-board experts in Ocean Plastics: Jo Ruxton and Bonnie Monteleone.

Howdy “blue whale lovers,”

We are enjoying a nice break from some windy weather and saw our first blue whale!

We’re off to our next destination for tomorrow and hoping to capitalize on the calm seas in our future.
Capt Aaron and Team Searcher

2020-07-15T16:34:27-07:00February 1st, 2018|Trip Reports|

Tour #1 (Jan 23-Feb 3, 2018) – offshore Cabo San Lucas, Los Frailes

Howdy whalewatchers,

Even more humpback whales to observe today! We got to see the things that humpbacks do breaching, flipper flapping, and tail lobbing.

Flipper flapping!

The weather was nice this morning, but the wind has come up so we’re headed to Los Frailes to go for a beach walk and the first snorkel of our trip.

Capt Aaron and Team Searcher

2020-07-15T16:34:28-07:00January 31st, 2018|Trip Reports|

Tour #1 (Jan 23-Feb 3, 2018) – offshore Bahia Magdalena

Howdy whalewatchers,

It is a great morning here outside Bahia Magdalena, with breaching humpback whales, a few hundred long-beaked common dolphins, magnficent frigatebirds, masked and red-footed boobies, black-vented and pink-footed shearwaters. Oh, and green sea turtles for days! It’s a beautiful day on the ocean with barely any wind and clear sky.

Long-beaked common dolphins offshore Bahia Magdalena

Howdy whalewatchers, We’ve enjoyed steady sightings of humpbacks for most of the day. The weather is still very nice and we’re happy about that. We start our trek up into the Sea of Cortez tomorrow.

Capt Aaron and Team Searcher

2020-07-15T16:34:28-07:00January 30th, 2018|Trip Reports|

Tour #1 (Jan 23-Feb 3, 2018) – Laguna San Ignacio, day 2

Howdy whalewatchers,

We’re enjoying another beautiful morning here in the lagoon. The wind was up, but the spirits of going out to see a gray whale were even higher. It seems like there are more whales in the lagoon today, and we still have a whale rubbing on the anchor line giving a nice show to passing pangas and for those that chose to stay on the boat. The weather is getting better all the time so the afternoon passengers will have a nice outing.

Howdy whalewatchers,

It’s our final day in the lagoon and the wind backed off to make our final two trips nice. More whales are entering the lagoon so there was lots to look at. The group went to the the beach for a afternoon walk.

We’re now headed south to offshore all day looking for wildlife.

Capt “Howdy” Aaron and Team Searcher

2020-07-15T16:34:28-07:00January 29th, 2018|Trip Reports|

Tour #1 (Jan 23-Feb 3, 2018) – Laguna San Ignacio, day 1

Howdy whalewatchers,

We are enjoying a good first day here in Laguna San Ignacio. We are seeing courtship activity with the single whales that have arrived, along with the mother and calf pairs interacting. The weather is great!

It was a good afternoon for us here in the lagoon. the weather stayed nice for us. Everyone got a really close look at a few gray whales were gonna be here again tomorrow.

While the guests were out in the smaller pangas, the crew enjoyed a visitor at the boat!
Capt Aaron and Team Searcher

Editor’s note: They said good-bye to Dr Steve Swartz, as he left to set up his seasonal research camp in the lagoon. We look forward to receiving his updates from the field, as always. He is a treasure to us and to the gray whales.

2020-07-15T16:34:28-07:00January 28th, 2018|Trip Reports|

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