Tour #4 (Mar 9-20, 2018) – Isla Santa Catalina

Hello whalewatchers:

We all had a great day today starting with a good walk on Isla Santa Catalina–including finding the endemic rattleless rattlesnake! We offered a  “Crazy Coastal Cruise” and a snorkel session at this beautiful island as well.

We left the island and travelled west towards the peninsula hoping for some whales and dolphin. We were lucky again and found a single blue whale that was wonderful to watch. It dove for 10 minutes and was then on the surface for two minutes, all in the same area. We also saw a cow and calf blue whale to end this Baja-perfect day.

Laughing gull

We also found lots of bird life with elegant terns, Heermann’s gulls, brown pelicans, and a rare laughing gull.

We are having dinner on the back deck tonight with margaritas and music!

Capt Art and Team Searcher

2020-07-15T16:34:23-07:00March 20th, 2018|Trip Reports|

Tour #4 (Mar 9-20, 2018) – Isla San Jose

Hello whalewatchers,

Last night we had a trememdous journey north as we encountered with miles and miles of bioluminescence! There were schools of fish that appeared as a big balls of light and other fish that made for a great show for those that stayed up late to enjoy it.
We enjoyed a spectacular sunrise at Punta Colorado on Isla San Jose this morning. We started the day early with a wake-up call for everyone to see this event.

Then passengers went ashore for a desert arroyo walk and then a snorkel session for those interested. It was a busy morning! We are headed offshore this afternoon looking for whales.

Capt Art and Team Searcher

Hello whalewatchers,

We had a good visit at Punta Colorado this morning! We travelled north in the San Jose channel looking for whales and wildlife. We had good looks at black and least storm petrels.

We did come across two adult gray whales heading south close to the peninsula. We have seen gray whales in the Sea of Cortez before but can’t recall seeing them this far north. Here’s the position 25.32″ north and 111.00 West. About 50 miles east of the town of Loreto. A rare sighting for us.

There was also an awesome sunset over the peninsula this evening.
Capt Art and Team Searcher

2018-03-19T06:11:28-07:00March 19th, 2018|Uncategorized|

Tour #4 (Mar 9-20, 2018) – La Paz

Hello whalewatchers,

We had a very successful day starting with a great Baja California Sea of Cortez sunrise. Then everyone went in pangas to snorkel or observe whale sharks it was a great trip with lots of happy passengers. The weather was awesome and the visibility was clearer than normal so even the people that went to observe had great views. We left La Paz and travelled north. We came across a fin whale and the lighting was perfect to see the distinct lower right jaw. Great looks!

We ended the day at Los Islotes with a skiff ride and a snorkel session. We are headed further north tonight.

Capt Art and Team Searcher

2020-07-15T16:34:24-07:00March 17th, 2018|Trip Reports|

Tour #4 (Mar 9-20, 2018) – offshore Cabo San Lucas

(Many thanks to Moira Johnson for us of her dolphin photo from a previous trip!)

Hello whalewatchers,

We are enjoying great weather and great humpback whalewatching–lots of tail-lobbing as well as breaching and flipper flapping.  Even a few mothers and calves getting in on the action too! We all had plenty of opportunities to get different photos of tail flukes today.

We had a visit from some bottlenose dolphins in very clear water, and so the viewing of those dolphin on the bow was tremendous.

Red-billed tropicbird @ Rich Crossen

A red-billed tropicbird circled the boat at daylight and we’ve seen loads of Bonaparte’s gulls as well.

More later,

A tail-lobbing humpback whale entertained us this morning.

Captain Art and Team Searcher

2020-07-15T16:34:24-07:00March 17th, 2018|Trip Reports|

Tour #4 (Mar 9-20, 2018) – offshore Bahia Magdalena

Hello whalewatchers,

We’ve had a busy morning with loads of pelagic birds including storm petrels, boobies, frigates, Craveri’s murrelet, shearwaters, Sabine’s gulls and red phalaropes. (Click to see some Birds of Baja from our tours!)

We came across a single humpback whale that was breaching and pectoral “flipper flapping” repeatedly. We spent over an hour watching this great performance by a humpback whale.

More later,

Capt Art and Team Searcher

Hello whalewatchers,

We had a busy afternoon with another session with a humpback whale that was breaching and tail-lobbing. It was another great performance. (Notice the all white underside of the fluke on this whale.)
We were lucky to come across two very large herds of common dolphin with several thousand dolphins,  along with frigatebirds, shearwaters, gulls and a few boobies. The first group of dolphins had a large group of sea lions with them. It is always great to spend time with dolphins.

The weather was pretty good throughout the day with a little breeze this afternoon.

Headed over night to the Cabo San Lucas and Gorda Banks areas for tomorrow.

Capt Art and Team Searcher

2020-07-15T16:34:24-07:00March 15th, 2018|Trip Reports|

Tour #4 (Mar 9-20, 2018) – Laguna San Ignacio, day 2

Hello whalewatchers,

What a wonderful day in Laguna San Ignacio! Great weather with a little breeze after breakfast, but that didn’t last long. Passengers enjoyed a trip to the mangroves for birding and an early whale watch. Everyone had a close encounter with a gray whale today, including those of us aboard the Searcher! A mother and calf spent most of the day close to the boat. Today’s photo is that cow and calf by the stern and a panga full of people enjoying the view.
A group went to the beach for a walk on the last trip of the day and a a final whale watch for the rest of the group.  Just a wondeful stay in Laguna San Ignacio.
Capt Art and Team Searcher

2020-07-15T16:34:24-07:00March 15th, 2018|Trip Reports|

Tour #4 (Mar 9-20, 2018) – Laguna San Ignacio, day 1

Hello whalewatchers,

We all had a great day in Laguna San Ignacio with plenty of gray whales and good weather. Everyone had a close encounter with a gray whales this morning, and good whalewatching this afternoon. There has been some good whalewatching from Searcher all day too. Some people are taking advantage of the good lighting this afternoon before dinner.
Looking forward to tomorrow with a trip to the mangroves to start the day, and then whales whales whales for the rest of the day.

Captain Art and Team Searcher 

2020-07-15T16:34:24-07:00March 13th, 2018|Trip Reports|

Tour #4 (Mar 9-20, 2018) – Islas San Benito

Hello whalewatchers,

We had to delay our arrival to San Benito this morning because we were interrupted by fin whales feeding on the surface! We spent an hour viewing the second largest whale and were rewarded with some good looks.

While we were waiting for the fin whales to surface a group of three Cuvier’s beaked whales came up close to the boat so there was a second chance for a good photo! It is uncommon to see these whales at all, but two days in a row?
The weather is great with cool temperatures and clear skies.

A nice calm ocean and a bit of a fin whale back!

More later,
Capt Art and Team Searcher

Hello whalewatchers,

Passengers enjoyed a good day ashore at Isla San Benito with plenty of elephant seals, a few Guadalupe fur seals, ospreys on their nests and great weather. The camp is quiet with just the guards watching the seafood resources. The lobster and abalone season is over.

We came across three humpback whales and a good-size group of long-beaked common dolphin before dinner. We have calm seas so the weather is great for traveling south to Laguna San Ignacio.

We have seen three species of dolphin, three species of baleen whales and a rare sightings of Cuvier’s beaked whales. A great start to our trip so far!

Capt Art and Team Searcher

2020-07-15T16:34:24-07:00March 13th, 2018|Trip Reports|

Tour #4 (Mar 9-20, 2018) – Tour #4 off and running!

Hello whalewatchers:

Pacific white-sided dolphins

Our Tour #4, co-sponsored by Naturetrek, departed San Diego and smoothly navigated Mexican Customs and Immigration in Ensenada. We travelled out to Islas Todos Santos and spent some time with a group of pacific white-sided dolphins.

We travelled south and found our first gray whales— a trio headed north. We also saw a small group of short-beaked common dolphin, and lots of seabirds: black-vented shearwaters, northern fulmars, both light and dark phase.

We’ve had some overcast skies and rain today, so we are hoping for a change this afternoon.

Team Searcher

We didn’t see much this afternoon with the exception of a rare sighting of five Cuvier’s beaked whales! They were at the surface multiple times and within a 100 yards of the boat. This is a very rare sighting, and so it was the highlight of the day.
We’re travelling overnight and will arrive at Islas San Benito after breakfast tomorrow.

Team Searcher

2020-07-15T16:34:24-07:00March 12th, 2018|Trip Reports|

Spotlight Series: Xantus in Baja!

Spotlight Series contains blog posts written by Searcher naturalists on curious and fascinating topics from our Searcher Natural History Tours to Baja California. Search  for “Spotlight Series” to read them all.

by Searcher naturalist, Paul Jones

John Xantus, was born in Hungary on October 5, 1825 as John Xantus de Vesey a.k.a. de Csíktaplócza1. His name at birth, in a small town in the former county of Somogy of the Kingdom of Hungary, was Xántus János. His life was as varied as the different names by which he was known, but that number falls far short of the long list of plants and animals that are named after this distinguished naturalist.

Xantus was an officer in the Hungarian army and was captured during nationalist uprisings. In 1850 he was exiled to Prague. He escaped and landed in the United States by way of Amsterdam.

Trained as a lawyer before becoming an officer, he was a jack-of-all-trades and worked in the US as a bookseller, teacher, druggist and eventually as a hospital steward. When he arrived in the US, he joined the US Army and met Dr. William Alexander Hammond. Hammond was a collector for the zoologist Spencer Fullerton Baird. Baird was a renowned biologist and was the first curator and eventually the assistant secretary of the Smithsonian Institute.

Xantus sent many specimens from Fort Tejon in Southern California where he was stationed as a sergeant in 1857 and from his post in Cabo San Lucas where he was sent to be a tidal observer. According to John Steinbeck, Xantus also left a legacy of “great grandchildren” in the area, but his most famous work was in observing nature and sending specimens back to Baird in the US. You may be familiar with Hammond’s vireo, which he named after his mentor.

After returning from Baja, he went to work for the Department of State in Mexico. Depending on who you believe 3, he left his consular position either because he embarrassed the US government or because the French intervened in Mexico. In any case, he returned to Hungary where he served as curator in the Hungarian National Museum and later did more collecting in Asia before his death in 1894.

In return for his fine service, many animals and plants have been named for him by other biologists such as1:

  • Synthliboramphus hypoleucus – Xantus’s murrelet
  • Hylocharis xantusii – Xantus’s hummingbird (photo by Rich Crossen)
  • Labrisomus xanti – largemouth blenny, rock blenny
  • Halichoeres xanti – earmuff wrasse (current scientific name, Halichoeres bicolor)
  • Umbrina xanti – Polla drum, golden drum, golden croaker
  • Phyllodactylus xanti – Xantus’ leaf-toed gecko, leaf-toed gecko
  • Portunus xantusii – Xantus’ swimming crab
  • Xantusiidae, the night-lizards family, plus the subfamily Xantusiinae, and the genus Xantusia
  • Clarkia xantiana – Xantus’ clarkia, gunsight fairyfan
  • Euphorbia xanti – shrubby euphorbia
  • Chaenactis xantiana – Xantus’ pincushion, Mojave pincushion
  • Chorizanthe xanti – Xantus’ spineflower
  • Polygala xanti – Xantus’s milkwort
  • Mimosa xanti
  • Solanum xanti

An iconic species named after this incredible biologist is the Xantus’ hummingbird, an endemic of the Cape region and which we often see on Searcher trips.

I feel badly for Xantus, not just because he suffered from his difficult living conditions in Cabo San Lucas, but also he no longer has his name linked to the Xantus’s Murrelet. Recently, ornithologists of the American Ornithological Society split the species into two, thus giving us the Guadalupe Murrelet and the Scripps’s Murrelet (which previously were subspecies of the Xantus’s Murrelet). We see both of these species on Searcher trips, so that puts the birders among us in the bonus round.

Guadalupe murrelet

1 Wikipedia



2020-07-15T16:34:24-07:00March 6th, 2018|Spotlight Series|

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