Tour #2 (Feb 22-Mar 5, 2019) – Depart San Diego

Intrepid adventurers from Naturetrek in the UK arrived to rain in San Diego, but the dawn brought clear and sunny skies (though very chilly temperatures). Some walked off their jet lag and others spent the day birding, but all arrived to Searcher with anticipation for their Searcher Natural History Tour to Baja! Meeting Team Searcher and having the safety features explained started the trip off right. Stay tuned for the wildlife highlights from this special trip.

Cup of tea and comparing bird sightings

Soaking in the blue skies on deck

2020-07-15T16:34:17-07:00February 23rd, 2019|Trip Reports|

Updated count on gray whales for 19 February

Our friend and gray whale expert is busy in the field in Laguna San Ignacio. He and his team are taking a weekly census of the gray whales, among accomplishing many other projects.

They report counting 98 single whales and 13 mother-calf pairs, for a total of 124 whales. He makes some comments about weather below:

Water and air continue to remain in the 16 degrees C range, a bit chilly for Baja this time of year. If the mother-calf pairs went further south for warmer water, we expect to see more of them in the next few weeks as they begin their northern migrations.

A team member working with Steven also reports that they have photo-IDs for about 200 single whales, and about 24 mothers with calves for the season so far.

2019-02-20T06:18:43-08:00February 20th, 2019|News|

Tour #1 (Feb 7-18, 2019) – Los Frailes/Gorda Banks

Dear whale watchers:

What a day with humpback whales! We estimate seeing 60-70 whales within a 5-hour period. We observed multiple mother/calf pairs, including a very young calf. It was only days old and still had its feral folds.

Many whales were breaching. We saw breaches in every direction, including some close to the boat. It was a fantastic last day of a wonderful trip. Many thanks to all the lovely people that joined us.
Click here to hear to soak in their beautiful songs. (That we were luckily enough to record and hear.)

~Capt Art and Team Searcher


2020-07-15T16:34:17-07:00February 19th, 2019|News|

Tour #1 (Feb 7-18, 2019) – Isla Santa Catalina

Hello whalewatchers,

Today we spent the morning at Isla Santa Catalina. Everyone went ashore for a walk in the beautiful desert arroyo. After the walk we offered a snorkel session or a “Crazy Coastal Cruise” along the shoreline to see birds and more. Everyone enjoyed the island and the other activities.

As we were retrieving the skiffs to go offshore, I spotted a whale south of the island. We pulled the anchor and headed that way. We found a fin whale adult with a calf!  We had several good looks at these whales, including a couple of very close looks. We were able to see the lower right jaw that is white on a fin whale

We decided to head in a different direction with plans to get over to the peninsula.  We didn’t have to go very far when we spotted two orcas, and then two more showed up, and after a few more minutes two more appeared! Seeing orcas on these trips is a real treat because it is rare. We spent the next two hours with these whales and had several great looks at a male with a big dorsal, four females and a juvenile. We witnessed them feeding on a manta ray which is also something we don’t see very often. It was a very special afternoon.

We are celebrating the orcas with margaritas and a back deck buffet: BBQ ribs and all the fixins!

Capt Art and Team Searcher

2020-07-15T16:34:18-07:00February 16th, 2019|Trip Reports|

Tour #1 (Feb 7-18, 2019) – Isla San Jose

(Someone has their lucky whale socks  on today…)

Hello whalewatchers,

We started our day with a beautiful sunrise at Punta Colorado on Isla San Jose. We had breakfast with a view of the beautiful sandstone point in the background. Naturalist Paul Jones calls it one of his favorite places on earth!

After breakfast everyone went ashore for a walk in an arroyo with desert plants and birds. Wish us luck for our afternoon explorations!

Capt Art and Team Searcher

2020-07-15T16:34:18-07:00February 15th, 2019|Trip Reports|

Tour #1 (Feb 7-18, 2019) – Bahia La Paz and Los Islotes

Hello whalewatchers:

Happy Valentines Day!

Satellite view of southern Baja California peninsula

We started the day in Bahia La Paz (the large bay on the eastern side of the Baja peninsula, seen at lower left). Our whale shark partner from Chicalera Tours met us to provide the whale shark service. Everyone came back thrilled with the trip with plenty of opportunities to view and photograph a whale shark.

We left there and travelled north in the bay looking for wildlife and came across a group of bottlenose dolphin. We visited one of the bays at Isla Partida to take a look at the nice beaches. We saw a blue-footed booby, an osprey and a peregrin falcon in the bay.

Before lunch we came across a herd of long-beaked common dolphins, about 400-500 dolphins.

A day of love and chocolate, and whale sharks!

Los Islotes: snorkeling with sea lions and reef fishes

We ended the day  with a snorkel session with sea lions and a skiff ride around the islet for the non-snorkelers. The conditions were perfect. Chefs Dan and Sara served a wonderful dinner of rack of lamb, roasted red potatoes, squash, fresh bread, and then peach cobbler with fresh whipped cream for desert.

Capt Art and Team Searcher



2020-07-15T16:34:18-07:00February 14th, 2019|Trip Reports|

Tour #1 (Feb 7-18, 2019) – offshore Cabo San Lucas

Hello whalewatchers!

Our passengers enjoyed humpback whale songs this morning. Capt Art recorded it and sent an audio file. We’ve attached some photos taken by our past passengers so you can listen and enjoy as well.

Happy Valentine’s Day from the courting humpbacks!

Team Searcher

2019-02-14T07:52:35-08:00February 13th, 2019|Trip Reports|

Tour #1 (Feb 7-18, 2019) – offshore Bahia Magdalena

Hello whalewatchers,

We have had a great morning! We’ve enjoyed several humpback whale sightings: singles, doubles and up to four whales in a group. We followed a group of four for over an hour, and we could say they followed us at times too. The whales hung around the boat, they laid under the bow, and with clear sea water we were able to have a great view of them. Loads of photo opportunities for everyone!
For the birders we had great looks at masked boobies, red billed tropicbird, California gulls, pink-footed shearwaters and frigatebirds. Needless to say, we have been busy. We’re really enjoying the great weather with light winds and calm seas too. The photo at the top is of humpback whales watching us.

Day’s end report:

It was a full day of humpback whales today. We saw approximately 35 humpback whales today, with multiple breachings in the distance with some lobtailing and flipper flapping too. Also had good bird watching, some bottlenose dolphin sightings, and the occasional sea turtle. It was a great day for everyone and we are looking forward to some more humpbacks tomorrow.

Here is a photo of a humpback whale surfacing close to the boat. We were drifting and waiting for the trio of whales to come up, and they turned around and headed towards the boat. Two of them laid under the bow as we were drifting. It was great to see them in such clean water.

Captain Art and Team Searcher

2020-07-15T16:34:18-07:00February 13th, 2019|Trip Reports|

Tour #1 (Feb 7-18, 2019) – Laguna San Ignacio, day 2

Hello whalewatchers,

Mangrove birding excursions

We had more wind today but we managed to get two whalewatchings trips in. After lunch the group went into the mangroves for a good birding trip during the high tide.

To read about some of the birds we see on our tours, including mangrove species, click here: Birds of Baja

Unfortunately, they noticed a dead adult whale on the beach on their way back to the boat but everyone could see the size and shape of the whale.

After a quick break, the pangas went out for the final trip to see the whales. As usual, Laguna San Ignacio provided everyone with a chance to visit gray whales in their natural place and it was a successful visit. We have lots of happy people currently enjoying a Baja sunset. We are always grateful for our time spent here, among the whales, birds, fishes, and more.

Captain Art and Team Searcher

2020-07-15T16:34:18-07:00February 12th, 2019|Trip Reports|

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