Tour #3 (Mar 9-20, 2019) – Isla San Benito
Hello whalewatchers,
We arrived at Isla San Benito at daylight. There was rain in the forecast and now we are seeing that the forecast was correct, but we had a great sunrise with rainbows! Everyone had a good hike with plenty of wildlife. Most of the adult elephant seals have left to feed, with a few returning to the island to rest. Lots of weaner pups hauled out, and a couple of males still hanging around.
There was a good sighting of Guadalupe fur seals. A group of 12 seals were together in one area. And ospreys were spotted on their nests.

Guadalupe fur seals @ Chris Shields
After leaving the island we came across two Laysan albatross and two black-footed albatross. The shearwaters and auklets were abundant as well.

Black-footed albatross @ McGrath
Capt Art and Team Searcher