2020 Tour #1: February 7-18

Hello whalewatchers,

Great weather today. We started early today with 3 pangas full for the first trip. The second trip we had 2 pangas go to the mangroves with the high tide. Everyone had a great morning. Here is a photo of one of our pangas and 3 whales close to the bow. Headed back out after lunch.

Capt Art and Team Searcher

2020-07-15T16:34:09-07:00February 11th, 2020|Trip Reports|

2020 Tour #1: February 7-18

Hello whalewatchers,

We arrived this morning to Laguna San Ignacio and were greeted by gray whales in the entrance. As we traveled in the observation zone there was an increase in the amount of whales. They are increasing in numbers daily. Here is a photo of a gray whale approaching the Searcher as we arrived. It’s always great to see whales approach us every year in this place.
Everyone had a good time in the pangas with lots of spy-hopping and good looks at a cow and calf pair. Everyone is looking forward to tomorrow.

Capt Art and Team Searcher

2020-07-15T16:34:09-07:00February 11th, 2020|Trip Reports|

2020 Tour #1: February 7-18

Hello whalewatchers,

Everyone had a great visit to Islas San Benito today.  There were loads of elephant seals including jousting males, mating and lots of nursing pups with moms. About 25 Guadalupe fur seals were seen in one area and everyone had great looks. Ospreys, ravens and the endemic sparrows were on the birders’ list.

After leaving the island we saw lots of Cassin’s auklets and black-vented shearwaters. The crew did a great job finding a fin whale and we spent about an hour viewing it with some great looks. We are traveling south to Laguna San Ignacio.

Here is a photo of the anchorage as we leave. It is quite green.

Capt Art and Team Searcher

2020-07-15T16:34:09-07:00February 10th, 2020|Trip Reports|

Tour #1: Feb 7-18

Hello all,

We departed last night for the beginning of our 2020 Baja California Whalewatching season and are excited to be back abaord! We were grateful to have a calm ocean all night and all day today. Islas Todos Santos were green with new growth, and there were northern elephant seal females with pups along with a single male. We also spotted some harbor seals and a few sea lions.

We are enjoying lots of southbound gray whales, plenty of long-beaked common dophin, and a single humpback whale who was breaching. For the birds, we watched black-vented shearwaters, northern fulmar and two Layson albatrosses at the end of the day. A great first day in Baja! We’ll be arriving at Isla San Benitos just after daylight.

Capt Art and Team Searcher

2020-02-09T09:31:11-08:00February 9th, 2020|Trip Reports|

2020 Tour #1: Feb 7-18

Our 2020 tour season is off and watching whales in Baja! Departure day saw people arriving from UK, New Zealand, Australia, California and Indiana, to name a few. A couple of surprise visitors came aboard to gift us with a brand new book for our library–Mark Carwardine’s Handbook of Whales, Dolphins and Porpoise–the author and Rachel!

2020-02-08T18:19:19-08:00February 8th, 2020|Trip Reports|

Searcher assists with Museum Research Goals

Hello whalewatchers and Baja fans!

We were happy to assist scientists from Mexico and San Diego Natural History Museum on a 2018 research expedition to the islands in the southern Sea of Cortez, Searcher‘s stomping grounds every spring!  The trip was a big success and is a key feature in the organization’s annual report.

Check it out here: Sea of Cortez research trip

2020-07-15T16:34:10-07:00December 23rd, 2019|News|

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