2022 Research Cruise to Revillagigedos (April 19-28), day 5
Hello all,
We spent another day at Isla Clarion and I had a chance to go ashore, which is a first for me. What a great spot!
I went to the navy base, walked around and then headed for the beach. I saw the endemic raven, wren and mourning dove, along with three Laysan albatrosses. Two were nesting and one was flying around. There was evidence of sea turtle nests with tracks from the water up the beach. We saw green sea turtles in the bay as we approached the island. I also spotted the endemic iguana on shore.
So far the researchers are having success with their objectives here at the Revillagigedos islands. There will be a full report with findings after the trip returns. One scientist is here to re-sight the five different species of land snails. No one has looked for them since the original study done by Cal Academy of Science in 1927. He is sure he has found all five. This is great stuff for science.
We will spend the morning here and then travel to Isla Soccorro on Saturday .
More later,
Captain Art and Team Searcher