March 8
Hello whalewatchers,
We’ve enjoyed nice weather all day though it’s starting to get breezy this evening. We started at Isla San Jose for an early-morning hike to see the land birds, including hummingbirds, plants and to photograph the gorgeous colorful cliff formations on the island. One sighting of note is that passengers saw a bald eagle soaring high today.
After Isla San Jose we went north east to Las Animas, where there is a healthy sea lion and Guadalupe fur seal colony. We saw lots of boobies as well.
After departing the area, we had a few glimpses of a “stealthy” blue whale who gave us the slip, a pair of humpback whales, and a pod of bottlenose dolphin.
We’re going to explore the mangroves at Isla San Jose tomorrow.
Captain Mike and the boys