The Memorial Day Wildlife Weekend trip from San Diego aboard the live-aboard Searcher delivered all we hoped for and more: sunny skies, warm temperatures, gently rolling seas and pleasant breezes. Highlights included 6 tropicbirds, 6 skua, 4 Laysan Albatrosses and 11 species of cetaceans including blue whales, a cooperative minke whale, a very late northbound adult gray whale and 20 very-rare-this-far-south northern right whale dolphins.

We stayed south of San Clemente island to maximize both our marine mammal and bird lists. The trip report is now posted to and included photos by 5 photographers plus video footage of south polar skua, laysan & black-footed albabross, blue, minke, fin and humpback whales, risso’s and pacific white-sided dolphin.
Trip report: