Hello whalewatchers,

We enjoyed some spectacular humpback whalewatching today around the Gorda Banks! There were lots of whales and lots of acrobatics. Plenty of breaching, flipper flapping and tail lobbing. It was one of those days we hope to have on these trips.
We are headed to the peninsula to walk and snorkel for the first time this trip.

Capt Art and Team Searcher

Hello whalewatchers,

Great humpbacks again today with lots of whales around. Before the wind came up, we had excellent whalewatching. We were able to stay with one big group of 8 whales. Lots of tail fluke photos for all the photographers. We traveled closer to the coast and found a mother and calf pair with the calf breaching and the cow flipper flapping. It was a good show!
We stopped to let the snorkelers test out their gear for tomorrow morning where the group will snorkel and observe the whale sharks.

Capt Art and Team Searcher