Hello whalewatchers:

This morning’s weather was very nice with little to no wind. We had lots of birds in good viewing condtions this morning including pink-footed shearwaters, Craveri’s murrelets, and red phalaropes, and some magnificent frigates. We also had a large pod of long-beaked common dolphin, and during the “dolphin show” a blue whale was spotted. So we spent some time with the blue whale as well. We are currently headed south in search of more wildlife.

Afternoon update:  We had a great afternoon looking around in calm seas! We had a chance to view a blue whale several times with really nice conditions. It was a very large animal and it even fluked for us.  A masked booby came to visit, along with a couple of pomarine jaegers.

Seas are still calm and we’re headed south to be around the Gorda Banks looking for more wildlife.  The forecast looks good for weather and we will take it.

Capt Aaron and the Searcher crew