Hello Whalewatchers!

We enjoyed a leisurely morning aboard the Searcher, and then headed off in two pangas before lunch. The first panga headed out to the mangroves, while the other went off in search of whales. In the mangroves, guests

In addition to the other sea life, we had a visit from some friendly bottlenose dolphins!

saw all sorts of shore birds; and our whalewatchers had two pairs of mother and calf whales. The weather was ideal for both excursions.

The weather held up nicely for our afternoon outings. While some of the group went whale watching, others enjoyed a beautiful walk on the beach. Again, our whalewatchers got the chance to get close enough to touch a whale while out on the pangas. We are headed out of Laguna San Ignacio, and are headed south to Bahia Magdalena Bay tomorrow to enjoy some offshore whale and sea life watching. The weather forecast looks great for tomorrow, and we are excited for another day of fun!

-Team Searcher